The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Cannot Be Cured (9-19-2011)

Dear Friends:

By the summer of 2000 I knew that (1) what I had learned about the critical importance of correcting gut biology, (2) the need to avoid hidden food allergens, and (3) the need for an adequate therapeutic dose of broad based free form amino acids (along with a wide range of vitamin and mineral cofactors) in order to properly chemically correct a state of depression had the power to topple the pharmaceutical drug industry.

At this point I knew that if I further developed the above mentioned knowledge and spread it all over the Internet these actions were almost certainly going to get me killed at one point or another.  (I also knew that if I remained silent in regard to what I had learned that I personally was going to be OK.)

In the summer of 2000, I was faced with a tough choice.  It was either “lose my morality and my soul, or lose my life”.

I made the decision to take “the Jesus road” and willingly act in a manner in which I was ultimately going to die for the sake of the health of the human race.

For six years nothing untoward happened to me, in part due to the fact that the world was not ready for what I had to say.  (New discovery typically takes decades to become recognized.)

However, as soon as I posted my son Willy’s original ADHD/bipolar recovery story to the Internet in June 2006 things began to change.

Beginning in June 2006 Big Pharma, or some portion thereof, instituted a five pronged attack (as follows) against what my son Willy Darman and I had discovered in regard to the use of nutritional and natural supplements to correct a lack of physical and mental health.

(1) Every computer that I have used since June 2006 for any length of time has been monitored, hacked, and/or intentionally disrupted.  This includes six or seven different personal computers of my own, three computers of family members, computers in a public library near me, and computers in a college library near me as well.  It also includes the laptop computer that I am working with now.

(2) There have been numerous anti-supplement and/or supplement restrictive laws proposed in Congress. (Thankfully, none of these have passed, to the best of my knowledge.)

(3) There have been two attempts by the FDA to restrict the general public’s access to and/or unnecessarily over-regulate dietary supplements.  The first attempt occurred in 2007, and attempted to label ALL nutritional and natural supplements as “drugs”.  (I am convinced this first attempt was motivated by panic at what my son Willy and I had discovered.)  The second attempt is a current threat to all nutritional and dietary supplements that have come on the market since October 15, 1994.

(4) Since it was discovered that Willy’s Baggie of synergistic nutritional and natural supplements also works in regard to quickly resolving the hallmark schizophrenic symptom commonly called “hearing voices” in 2009 all of my cell phone use has been monitored, hacked, and/or intentionally disrupted.

(5) Beginning on January 6, 2010 there have been numerous attempts to take my life.  (I should have been dead at least a dozen times since then in four distinct episodes intended on killing me in order to silence me.)

Now that I solidly know that mental illnesses such as depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are complex malabsorptive/allergic/toxic/bad biological syndromes that can be corrected (cured!) via natural means, the general public in the United States is about to lose critical access to the nutritional and natural supplements that can cure the same.

The FDA is currently in the process of trying to (over)regulate all nutritional supplements that have come upon the free market since October 15, 1994.  See

***Important note: If the above link does not work, simply Google search for Draft Guidance for Industry: Dietary Supplements: New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues. In the first Yahoo group that I posted this blog to the above link was obviously and intentionally corrupted by hackers to not work.***

Once the FDA succeeds in their current agenda to control key nutritional supplements, no natural and nutritional cure for depression or any other mental illness will ever be realized by the general public.  (Most, if not virtually all, of these cures have already been found.)

If “we the people” somehow get lucky and stop the FDA this time, it will not matter.  It will not matter because Big Pharma and the FDA will try again and again until they succeed in doing what they intend to do in regard to taking powerful healing nutritional and natural supplements out of the general public’s hands.

This situation saddens me.  It saddens me because:

(1) I spent years trying to find the proper natural manner to cure depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.  Despite the fact that I succeeded “in spades” in achieving all four of these goals, my discoveries will become buried by Big Pharma (via their FDA puppets) changing the law.

(2) The fraud of drug oriented medicine is compromising the health of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.  (It is not just ALL psychiatric medications that are a hoax.  Cholesterol medications are a hoax, blood pressure medications are a hoax, acid reflux medications are a hoax, arthritis medications are a hoax, allergy medications are a hoax, asthma medications are a hoax, cancer (chemotherapy) medications are a hoax, diuretics are a hoax, heart medications are a hoax, antibiotics are a hoax, etc.)

(3) The fraud of drug oriented medicine is bankrupting the United States, if it has not done so already.

For the past handful of years I had hoped to do more for the world in regard to stopping the evil agenda of Big Pharma and their stooges in the FDA (and other governmental bodies). Unfortunately, I never found either enough willing collaborators or adequate fiscal means to prove what I know to be true about curing depression and mental illness before it became “legally too late”.

I did what I could for these past twenty one months, while defending myself against death again and again and again and again.

Now I can only pray that some greater power than I intervenes to help the human race.

Allen Darman

Some Related Blogs:

Note: There are some great and quite solid seeds of truth in the blogs listed below, despite the fact that many of them are either overdue for editing or upgrading, and/or are unfinished.  Please understand that for years my housing situation has been very unstable, and/or I was quite literally on the run from Big Pharma’s goons in an attempt to prolong my life.  I am amazed that I made it this far, knowing full well that Big Pharma and I were essentially playing for all of the marbles for over a decade. If the world wants to find fault with me for not having finished the material below, or for not writing a cohesive and organized book, so be it.  Please understand that I did my best at all times, despite great adversity on multiple fronts since August 2002, when my access to adequate fiscal means to (1) house myself, (2) afford a vehicle, and (3) afford to supplement myself at the same time ran out.

FDA Trying To Control All Nutritional Supplements By Labeling Them “Drugs” (2007)

All Therapeutic Supplements Banned In EU in April 2011 (2-18-2011)

Will The American Public Win The Race Against Big Pharma? (3-28-2011)

Willy’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless… (8-24-2011)

A Testimonial to Dr. Sherry Rogers

Adelle Davis; a true pioneer (September 2007)

Is it possible that key knowledge known by Robert Erdmann over 20 years ago got lost? (7/9/2009)

A Tribute to Bob Beck; A World Class Healer (5-21-2010)

This last blog ended with the following two paragraphs:

“As of this day, Friday May 21, 2010 it is known that ALL MENTAL ILLNESSES CAN BE READILY CURED VIA NATURAL MEANS, every single one.

Mr. Robert Beck, my hat is off to you. I felt honored to be in the presence of your greatness these past two nights. I love you dearly for what you did.”

An Introduction To Alternative Medicine For Psychiatric Conditions (2005)

The Five Fundamental Rules To Correct All Mental Illness (8/30/2011)

Note: The above blog contains universal Truths. Universal Truths are Truths that are applicable to the entire human race.

Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)

Suppression Of Great Truth Is The Norm It Seems (8-30-2010)

Much of the above blog is Gary Vesperman’s material in regard to the suppression of numerous “free energy” discoveries by our government and the powers-that-be. This man is a real hero in my eyes. I cannot thank Gary Vesperman enough for writing what he did.

Cambridge Who’s Who And A Synopsis Of My Situation (October 2010)

The Story of Darman Mfg. Company and Genius (2010)

In November 1997 I Got Angry (9/23/2011)

My First Website on the Internet (August 2001)

An old speech draft on bipolar; still a worthy read (2002)

Malabsorption Underlies Mental Illness (9/23/2011)

Concepts and Ideas to Treat Depression Naturally (2003)

Hidden food allergies and bipolar disorder (2003)

The Best Book On Food Allergies I Ever Read (9/23/2011)

My Bipolar Recovery Story as of June 2004

Two egroup posts on inhibitory nutrients written in 2003

Taurine and other inhibitory nutrients

An egroup post I wrote in 2005 on sleep

Repost: How I Slowed My Brain Down and Got Off Sleep Medication (9/29/2010)

The “nutrient equivalent” of lithium for me

Autism and Probiotics Proven to Be Linked!! (September 2006)

Probiotics and Their Effect on All Mental Illness (September 2006)

The End of Antibiotics (2008)

My son Willy’s original ADHD/bipolar! recovery story (June 2006)

Willy’s Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story (August 2007)

An Update Regarding Willy’s Amazing Recovery (June 2009)

A before picture of Willy at 10.5 years of age, and an after picture of Willy at 17.5 year of age, can be found on In regard to overcoming ADHD and manic depression naturally Willy has set a course to follow for the entire world.

Doctors Helped Cause Willy’s Sickness (2007)

Willy’s Original Baggie Ingredient List (12/2006; amended 8/26/2011)

A more detailed explanation of Willy’s Original Baggie (February 2007)

Willy’s Baggie Wisdom on YouTube; the end of Big Pharma or me (August 2008)

Willy’s Baggie II; a major improvement

Willy’s Baggie III; a further improvement

An Overview of Willy’s Baggie I, II, and III (March 2010)

The Truehope Supplement, the Equilib Supplement, Willy, and Big Pharma (7-9-2009)

Willy, Equilib (or Truehope), and Situps

The Neurotransmitter Precursor Group of Nutrients in Willy’s Baggie; and their cost

Note:  The blog above is an old one from Yahoo 360, a blogging platform that was closed years ago.  As such, it contains a number of obsolete links, ones that I do not have time at the moment to change.  All of the blogs referred to in this blog were transferred to my Nutrientscure WordPress site years ago.

Willy’s Baggies vs. All One Nutrient Formula Or Protein Powders (3/12/2010)

Willy’s Baggies and Malabsorption (March 2010)

The Blog on Depression That Willy’s Baggie Came From (8-26-2011)

Repost: The possible implications of broad based nutrition taken all at once (February 2007)

Introducing the Concept of an Educational Healing House (2006)

What A Harvard Educated Psychiatrist-To-Be Said About Willy’s Baggies (2009)’s-baggies-2009/

Depression and Bipolar Disorder – Cured At Last! (August 2007)

One of Willy’s “baggies” of supplements… Wow! (September 2006)

An Anecdotal Case; Depression Resolved in One Day (2007)

Willy’s Baggie II Shortcuts The Resolution of Depression

The Proper Chemical Answer For Depression Has Been Found 10-31-2010

An Email I Sent A Bipolar Researcher in February 2004 (3-27-2011)

A Real Cure For Schizophrenia Has been Found! (March 2009)

“Hearing Voices” Remission Within Hours From Supplement Use (March 2009)

Bentonite, Depression, and How The Gut May Work (2004/2005)

Bentonite, vitamin C, and yeast die off (August 2006)

Vitamin C; titrating to bowel tolerance for candida and many other things (June 2009)

Fame Dont Mean Beans To Me (3-30-2011)

Please Get The Value of Martyrdom Out of Me (8-6-2011)


A Critically Related WordPress Blog:

The Great Discovery Of Willy’s Baggie Was Almost Certainly Corrupted At Its Sources


A word to the wise:  Big Pharma’s hackers have known virtually ALL of my computer passwords for years.  When, or if,  they finally succeed in killing me, it is extremely likely that many of my blogs on the Internet will become intentionally corrupted with errors and/or intentionally erased.  The healing truths that I am promoting doom Big Pharma’s myriad of lies, and they desire to get rid of these truths from the Internet as soon as they possibly can.  It would be wise for at least some persons to laser print out many of the above blogs, and set them aside in a safe place.  You know who you are.

From YouTube; 2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth

Dylan Avery’s brilliant documentary “Loose Change” is Must See video material for ALL Americans.

In the YouTube video below Dylan Avery makes an enormously strong case, drawing on many kinds of evidence, that 9/11 was a False Flag Attack that did not happen as the U.S. Government claims.

The attack on the Twin Towers was a defining moment in human history.

For a country that claims to have a democracy, and claims to be “the best country in the world”, TO PLAN AND EXECUTE AN ATTACK ON ITSELF in order to justify two wars overseas, means that “there is something really wrong with the American Government”, and that “something really needs to change”.

It is my feeling that those that planned and executed 9/11 within the confines of the Federal Government were “old men, and old school thinkers”. These “old men” did not realize that “the Growing Power of the Internet” would expose them some day.

I cannot imagine growing up in America today, and not being heavily exposed to 9/11 Truth information, to include the video above.

When I was a teenager back in the 1960′s “we cared” (my friends and I)—> “We cared about America” and “We cared about the World we lived in”. And due to the Vietnam War, “we realized that there was something really wrong with the U.S. Government”, and that “something needed to change”.

However, back in 1968 for us to tackle the Federal Government and try to bring it down was out of the question. We did not even think in this direction much, because–> We knew that we “did not have enough means to do so”. Despite our misgivings about the U.S. Government, we were going to have to put up “with things as they were”, because there was not anything that we could do about them (and we knew it).

In the past 45 years, things sure have changed!

Now we have what is called “the Power of the Internet!”

The Internet did not exist in 1968, nor did Personal Computers or Smart Phones as well.

A little bit of personal history—> In our suburban house in 1968, we sometimes listened to the radio rather than watch TV. Radio was still important, and relatively new technology then. In 1968 I don’t even know “if we had graduated from a B/W TV to a color one yet” (if we did, it was only a year or two prior). Back then we only got a handful of channels (five at most), because TV was “broadcast then”. Our family had an antenna on the roof of our house to pick up local signals of TV stations that were broadcasting nearby. We got perhaps 2 TV channels in Utica, NY clearly, and perhaps 3 channels that came in somewhat fuzzy from Syracuse NY (which was almost 50 miles away).

Today things are so different, Thanks to the Internet! Today there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Bloggers, and Millions of Websites available to us.

And Today Only God, and maybe Google too, knows how many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of YouTube videos there are on the Internet in which to freely see.

One does not even need a computer in which to watch YouTube videos. All that one needs to watch a YouTube video of “even movie legnth” is a small hand held device that is called “a Smart Phone!”.

I know that I am stating the obvious in the above.

However, what is obvious and widely available today “almost could not even be conceived as ever becoming reality” only 50 short years ago.

The young people of today often take technology such as the Internet, computers and smart phones for granted, because this technology existed when they grew up.

As a sixty one year old man, I sure don’t take the Internet, computers and smart phones for granted. These new technologies are absolutely amazing,

In a war, these new technologies represent “far more power than either bullets or bombs”. (Just look at what happened in Tunisia and Egypt not too long ago.)

How can I say that the Internet, computers and smart phones represent “far more power than either bullets or bombs”?

In many wars that were fought in human history, the key to winning the war was “to win the hearts and minds of the people”.

The Internet has the inherent potential “to win the hearts and minds of the people”. It has this potential because the Internet is “An Open and Unrestricted Avenue of Communication” (in the U.S. thus far anyway).

A free and open Internet represents—> An avenue of communication in which Any Single Person Can Be Heard By Many Other Persons, If Not Virtually Everyone, If Need Be.

Any Just Cause At All, from the large to the small, can use the Power of the Internet to effect Justifiable or Needed Social Change.

The YouTube documentary “Loose Change” is a Prime Example of this. One single person became the catalyst in creating a great piece of Internet film; one that has been seen over 100 million times thus far.

Incidentally, “Loose Change” provides a powerful case for a Justifiable Patriot Movement Revolution in America!

My Patriot Movement WordPress Website Development Team and I strongly recommend that you watch the insightful YouTube video shown above, and that You Share this material with all of your family, your all of “real life friends”, and all of your Internet friends as well.

Fall is here, and winter is coming soon. It is Time for many in northern latitudes to be indoors a lot. A Good Idea for something to do one weekend this winter is to have a Saturday afternoon “Loose Change party”, and invite over some or all of your friends. Have a beer, smoke a bowl or two, perhaps order a pizza (or have some healthier food) and watch Dylan Avery perform magic on YouTube as far as “unmasking the Truth” goes!

And then perhaps talk to each other about the Patriot Movement in America, and “what you plan on doing” when a Justifiable Revolution Soon Comes to America!

U.S. Government Internet Censorship may be coming sometime in 2014 (there are some persons that say this is almost a certainty).

It might be wise of you to take advantage of “the Power of a Free and Open Internet” while Content on the Internet is still not U.S. Federal Government Censored and/or Controlled.

Allen D and Mark J


Appreciated Help from GoogleFacebookTwitterthe People Underlying WordPress 

And Heroic Help from our
San Francisco Hippie Gang of

WordPressWarriors for the Truth!


A Related WordPress Blog:

About Allen D

Hi! How Are You Today?

Please Allow Me 2 Introduce Myself->

My Name is Allen D which is short for Allen Darman.

 I am also known as , and Adogg (or Adogg or ADOGG), a new nickname someone gave me and I like.

Photo on 3-15-13 at 5.58 PM #2

I am an Old Hippie that Went to the Original Woodstock in ’69…


I am a Truth Soldier for God; the “little piece of God in me” also known as “my conscience”.

I am also the Leader of a Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Patriot Movement Team that is pumping out Websites, Web Pages, and WordPress Blogs as fast as we can in an effort to help the brewing Justifiable Revolution here in the United States (and Worldwide as well!). 

Our WordPress Collaborative Patriot Movement Website Development Team has been “Collaborating Intuitively With Each Other Using WordPress” over the Internet since April 2012.

“Collaborating Intuitively With Each Other Using WordPress” means that although a number of people are working together using WordPress to achieve the same ends (an Internet Woodstock or one here… and a Justifiable Revolution In America) and Worldwide as well, we are not in direct contact with each other in any way (such as email, chat, messaging, video conferencing, phone, or talking face to face).

I am the sole Author for our WordPress Collaborative Patriot Movement Website Development Team, but I admit to having more than one “intuitively collaborative editors”. These editors often “steer me” to the copy section that needs work of blogs I am working on. They sometimes also seem to “steer me” to what blogs and websites to work on. These anonymous editors from afar also tell me via a pretty obvious hint whether “I am being too wordy or not” (using too many words is a strong tendency of mine).

Besides being an Internet Patriot Movement Revolutionary in charge of a WordPress Collaborative Internet Team, I also seem to have become “an expert of sorts” in regard to the Suppression of Truth, a man that may have awakened Silicon Valley in regard to the U.S. Government’s Censorship Plans, a Catalyst in Convincing the American Mafia “to Switch Sides” and Work with Silicon Valley to Replace Our Corrupt Federal Government (or so I hope), a Catalyst in Bringing the Upper Echelon of Silicon Valley and the Mafia together “for the Good of Both America and the World” (or so I hope), and a Catalyst in Making the 1st Internet Woodstock Happen Worldwide sooner or later (or so I hope as well).

How did an old hippie from Utica New York, and a man really no different than anyone else, end up being some, or perhaps all, of the above?

My Story to the World got its start in April 2000.

Over thirteen years ago, I knew that I had gained a World Leading Degree of Knowledge in regard to How To Treat A State of Depression, No Matter How Mild Or How Severe, and No Matter How Longstanding.

Over thirteen years ago, I also knew that I had gained a World Leading Degree of Knowledge in regard to How To Cure both Biochemical Depression and Bipolar Disorder, No Matter How Mild Or How Severe, and No Matter How Longstanding.

Over thirteen years ago, I also knew that if I got on the Internet and Determinedly Told The World of What I Had Learned that this was almost certainly going to get me killed, because “it would cost far too many people far too much money”.

In honesty, when I thought things over back in the spring and summer of 2000, I tried to think of any possible way to escape the Destiny that Fate had given to me. No one wants to die at 47 years of age, and I was no different than anyone else.

I thought things over for months (between April 2000 and sometime in July).

My Decision Was—> I had No Choice!

I had to go up against Big Pharma! regardless of what happened to me.

It was “Lose My Soul” or “Lose My Life”.

Frankly, between the two choices I had, I’d rather lose my life.

Those trying to Suppress the Truth in regard to the Discoveries Underlying a Valid Natural Cure for both Depression and Bipolar Disorder (and later Schizophrenia and many other mental, addictive and degenerative illnesses too) first used hackers in order to (1) try to slow me down, (2) to try to discredit me (for when I reported such hacking few believed me), and (3) to try to intimidate me.

I have been chronically hacked and disrupted EVER SINCE I PUT My Son WILLY’S ORIGINAL ADHD/Bipolar
Recovery Story all over the Internet in June 2006

Things got even worse for me Hacking-wise when I posted two Significant Updates to my son Willy’s >>>AMAZING<<< ADHD/Bipolar Disorder Recovery Story in the Internet in 2007 and 2009.

I am the Most Hacked Man on the Planet! No Doubt!

They should put me in the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS FOR BEING HACKED SO MUCH since June 2006!

[After seven years of being hacked and disrupted on a regular basis, only in the past three months or so does this hacking seem to have finally let up. I can only hope this relief from being hacked holds up.]

Hacking was not going to stop me from trying to Share with the World what I had Learned, Discovered, and Co-Discovered in the Alternative Medical Realm, and eventually my adversaries realized this.  They knew that they had “to do more than just hack me” if they were going to stop me from my efforts to Share with the World what I knew about Natural Cures.

It is quite apparent to me that “the American Mafia is in bed with Big Pharma”, and that “their fiscal interests are intertwined”.  More than anyone on this planet who is not associated with either Big Pharma or the Mafia, I should know this, as per the below—>

Since January 6, 2010, in regard to Murder Attempts by the Mafia thus far that have Failed, my count only stands at about 35 Failed Attempts, so I would not set the Record in this regard for the Guinness Book of Records.

A man in the Energy Invention Arena NamedAdam Trombly has me Beat, as according to his count he has survived 54 murder attempts! (from some party that is apparently unknown to him).

I am sure glad that I am Number 2 to Adam Trombly!—> Who would want to have any more attempts to take their life? 

It is now November 1, 2013.  At this point in time, I am no longer worried about any murder attempts.

If those wanting to kill me continue on their quest, and succeed in doing so, so be it.

I am no longer worried about dying, because the many lessons that I had to teach America and the World about (1) natural cures, (2) mental and physical health recovery, (3) alternative medical suppression, (4) energy invention suppression, (5) 9/11 truth suppression, (6) federal government suppression of truth, and (7) some significant conceptualization regarding e-Government were all—>

“Adequately Received” by many Smart and Very Capable people in Silicon Valley that are involved in the Computer Software, the Computer Hardware, and/or the Internet Industry in some way.

These Lessons that I Had To Give America and the World Were Received By People That Will Ensure That They Will Never Be Forgotten—> Thanks to People that work for, manage, and/or partially own companies such as Google, Facebook, WordPress, etc.

I am the Happiest man Alive! that’s No Lie!

I am in Heaven—> and I am Not Dead Yet!

Nobody Would Ever Dream that they would ever get this farvs. Big Pharma, the American Mafia and the U.S. Government!

Well, I didn’t get that far—>


Google CorporateFacebook CorporateAutomattic (the company underlying WordPress)Mark Jaquith and the rest of my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet TeamApple (I love my iMac!), etc. WE DID IT!—>

We have developed “a Winning Hand” against All of the Suppressors of Truth, it seems!

The American Mafia Would be Wise to “Switch Sides” and Work With Us.  (We Need Them, and They Need Us, whether this is apparent to all parties concerned yet or not.)

It is pointless to buy 2 billion bullets in preparation for an Inevitable Justifiable Revolution in America.

Any blood spilled trying to prop up a corrupt Corporate Controlled U.S. Government will have substantial and severe repercussions against those persons that were responsible for such.

The corrupt U.S. Government Should Give Up!

The United States Government would be wise to begin negotiations with “Us”, once “We” get on the same page via a process of negotiation that should commence soon. (“Us” and “We” being Silicon Valley and the American Mafia, assuming that the American Mafia Wisely Switches Sides.)

Shutting Down or Heavily Censoring the Internet will not work as a defense. Silicon Valley has too many Smart Folks, and “they have almost certainly prepared for this”.

The Growth, and Soon To Be Exponential Growth, of the Patriot Movement in America cannot be stopped, no matter how hard the federal government or anyone else tries to do so.

War Benefits Nobody. Why Start a War that You Can Not Win?

Let’s All Remain Calm, Cool, and Collected—> and begin to Talk Things Out.

Lastly, if you were to have to “Choose Sides” (as the American Mafia does in the near future), I sure would not want to bet against the exponentially growing Patriot Movement in America. (Some even say that “It is exploding”.)

Allen D and Mark J


Appreciated Help from GoogleFacebookTwitterthe People Underlying WordPress 

And Heroic Help from our
San Francisco Hippie Gang of

WordPressWarriors for the Truth! 
